Tibu Dream

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Tibu Dream Private Limited
Contact Details
Mock up
Colors & Fonts
Logo Overview

The logo for Tibu Dream is a creative and symbolic emblem that incorporates the company’s initials (“T” and “D”) and the five branches of its business into a single, unified design. The use of plant imagery effectively represents the agricultural nature of the company, while the letter integration adds a layer of sophistication.

The logo uses a vibrant green (#2ECC71) to represent vegetation and growth, which is a perfect choice for an agricultural company. The green is offset by a warm yellow (#F1C40F) that evokes chicks and poultry. This combination of colors is eye-catching and memorable. The text below, “Pvt Ltd | Jeremiah 29 vs 5”, provides additional information about the company’s legal structure and a biblical reference verse 5 of Jeremiah 29

The logo is a well-designed and colorful emblem that effectively communicates the five branches of Tibu Dream: horticulture, point of lay, broilers, seedlings, and egg production. The use of color and imagery is successful in representing both vegetation and poultry, two cornerstones of agriculture. The text is clear and easy to read, and the overall design is confident and assured.

Tibu Dream